Sunday, April 24, 2011

Show and Tell Sundays- Games People Play

Tonight I’ll be packing up work to be delivered tomorrow to Salt Creek Artworks in St. Pete. Set up begins in the morning. Let the games begin.

I’m bringing Wishful Thinking and 5 or 6 Skins. The final count will be determined once I start hanging. I’d always rather edit out than run home to finish work in a hurry.

Speaking of being in a hurry, this past week I was rushing around my studio trying to get some extra work done and tore the paper on a piece in progress. I tried to repair it, but things only got worse and the piece was ruined. You can see the big tear on his right hand.  Ah well, that’s what I get for rushing. I quickly began a replacement piece.

I’ve included an image of the first one with the mistake and the beginnings of the second piece with just the pencil drawing. It’s actually further along now, but I shall share images of all of them this week once they are hung.

Off to start my day. Whatever you do today, may it be fantastic!

Games People Play, 60" x 26"
Kim Radatz

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