Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Who're You Calling Weird?

Have you seen this Scientific American article floating around on Facebook?

The Unleashed Mind: Why Creative People Are Eccentric 
"Highly creative people often seem weirder than the rest of us. Now researchers know why."

It's quite interesting, check it out.

Here's a Cliff Notes excerpt:

Too Much Information
We are all equipped with mental filters that hide most of the processing that goes on in our brains behind the scenes…and thanks to these filters, most information never reaches our conscious awareness.

Creative people, however, seem to have reduced functioning in the filters. Therefore, much more information reaches their consciousness and “is associated with offbeat thoughts."

If I am able to be more consciously aware due to reduced functioning of a pesky filter, then A-O-K.

Bring it on, I am completely happy being weird!

May you too have a weird and wonderful day!


Martha Marshall said...

I loved that article, Kim! It validated much that I've felt over the years. From wanting to fit in to trying to make myself fit in, to finally saying the hell with it! That last decision was the best one I've ever made.

Judy Hayes said...

I'm okay being "weird", too!

Kim Radatz said...

Martha,there are advantages to growing older, yes? You wise woman, you. :)

Kim Radatz said...

Judy, Weird and wonderful, great!

Red Dirt Farm said...

Thanks for the Cliff notes - I'm too busy being weird, I don't have time to read extra junk!

Kim Radatz said...

My pleasure, Kim.