Sunday, December 26, 2010

Show and Tell Sundays-Sick Puppy

My sick as a dog days have morphed into sick puppy days. Not full blown "big" sick like a grown up dog, but on a smaller scale, like a puppy. Sick Puppy, that’s me.

I know healthy days are right around the corner.

While I was sick as one, I had the opportunity to meet some of your dogs, which was so very nice. I much prefer meeting dogs than feeling like one!

May I introduces to you some very special dogs.  They are:

"Cherry ", as in chocolate-covered and sweet.
Lola, the rescued Greyhound.

Achilles and his new little sister Pandora.

Abby under her blanket
Delilah, the tried and true traveling D dog.
And my contribution to the dog bunch, Duke and Dixie of Dog Days. Still way early in the piece, which I wouldn’t typically show, but I haven’t accomplished much this week, so there it is. I’ll share again once it is finished.

Skinned-Dog Days, Kim Radatz©
 Hopefully you have been enjoying lots of wonderful holiday food and conversations with family and friends! It’s that wonderful time of year for doing just that.

Have a great week, this last of the year!


Martha Marshall said...

Dang, Kim! So sorry I missed this post until now. Love the doggies!! Thanks for including Miss Abby.

Kim Radatz said...

It is always my pleasure to see the lovely and spoiled Abby!

Funny, I was just going back through older posts and was enjoying seeing the dogs and my two cats. Pets are great. Happy to have some in the house again.