Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I’m Dancing as Fast as I Can

Well, Monday came and went and I didn’t post anything as I had promised on Sunday, sorry about that. But I have been plodding along with this new piece. It’s much larger than the ones I have made before, so I’m taking it slowly and listening carefully. No need to rush it, me thinks, the work will always be waiting for me.

I am revisiting the fence from Cover Me (the skin with the life vest), as I really liked it and wanted to see how I felt about it a second time around. A teacher in grad school, Diane Dawes, once advised me to recycle ideas or concepts often, especially when you are stuck as it’s a great jumping off point. I’m not stuck, heck, I can’t keep up with the ideas that keep streaming though my head, but still, it’s good advice.

I see the girls, dresses, fence, life vest, umbrella, etc. as symbols and each time I use them I am seeing them in a new way. Like a story. The words of the story are the symbols, and though the words have been used a bazillion times before, when strung together in a new way, the meaning is completely different. That’s how I see my work, something new from something familiar.

As I say in my artist statement, “Each piece is a fresh attempt to see things in a new way, yet remain part of an ongoing dialog. Each is tied to the next and the one before. They are all intrinsically linked together and the conversation continues.”

And the conversation will continue, but for now I shall get back to work.

May your day be creative and productive!

I’m Dancing as Fast as I Can, 54” x 100”
Kim Radatz

I’m Dancing as Fast as I Can, detail
Kim Radatz
P.S. As you might be able to see, the paint is still wet.  Much work yet to be done, including the stitching, but I wanted to share it with you.

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